The Wellness of the Future
Exclusive biohacking with Amel Mujkic
An efficient training that improves your vitality and life energy. Personal trainer and health expert Amel will support you during your mobility and strength training. His Re:Age method aims to slow down the ageing process and maintain quality of life, health, and well-being into old age. He therefore combines fitness, diet, and the latest biohacking methods that improve your performance and overall well-being.
Biohacking Behandlungen & Preise
Ihr Weg zu neuer Energie und Vitatität beginnt hier!
PEMF + Compression Boots + Vagusnervstimulator (25 Min.) € 40,–
PEMF + Compression Boots + Vagusnervstimulator
+ Rotlicht Therapie (55 Min.) € 75,–
Re:Age Personal Coaching mit Biohacking:
Personal Coaching (50 Min.) + Biohacking (PEMF + Compression
Boots + Vagusnervstimulator 25 Min.) € 129,–
Re:Age Paket:
Personal Coaching (50 Min.) + Biohacking (PEMF + Compression
Boots + Vagusnervstimulator + Rotlicht Therapie, 55 Min.) + Post Workout Shake/
Smoothie € 179,–
Nähere Informationen & Terminbuchung im Posthotel Achenkirch /
Atrium Spa unter Tel. +43-5246-6522-558 oder!